Why Laloux wrote not about TealFrederic Laloux, in his book Reinventing Organizations, described a model for organizational development using color-coded levels…Nov 25, 2024Nov 25, 2024
Another Scrum GuideIn this July, the authors of the LeSS Framework (Large Scale Scrum Framework) published new Scrum Guide (LeSS Version).Oct 1, 2024Oct 1, 2024
How to sell OKR to employees?When my colleague and I started implementing the OKR goal-setting system in one company, we found that there are a lot of articles, books…Jan 12, 2024Jan 12, 2024
Bonuses and OKRsOne of the most often questions about OKRs is how to connect Performance Management and OKRs. Or even more straitly: how to pay bonuses…Sep 24, 2023Sep 24, 2023
Spiral Dynamics Sprint RetrospectiveDid your team solve all the obvious problems? Or maybe there is a burning issue that can’t be solved? Try the Spiral Dynamic Retrospective.Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
From simple to complex: a case study of OKR implementation in a big bankWe published with OKR Consortium my OKR case study of a big bank with 100 tribes and 1000 products.Sep 3, 2023Sep 3, 2023
Agile FuturespectiveIf the Scrum teams resolve all problems that they can, try Futurespective instead of the classical RetrospectiveFeb 4, 2023Feb 4, 2023
Как отличить красную организацию от оранжевойМеня часто на тренингах спрашивают: «Чем отличается принципиально красные и оранжевые компании, ведь и те и другие ставят основной целью…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Синдром самозванца и доска достиженийКаждого Agile-коуча, как, впрочем, и любого другого специалиста периодически бросает между двумя крайностями: Пик тщеславия и Синдром…Feb 3, 2022Feb 3, 2022
Ненасильственная обратная связьВо вторник провёл воркшоп по Ненасильственному общению (ННО) для дачи обратной связи.Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022